Almanac of Fundraising Ideas - Book Review

The Almanac of Fundraising Ideas is a comprehensive cracker of a fundraising ideas book!

And I've absolutely loved reading it and using it as resource.

I highly recommend you add it to your Fundraising Library!!!

Too many of the fundraising ideas books that I have read, provide a great list of ideas, but don't really delve into how to make those fundraisers super successful.

They often also do not provide additional info or examples of successful campaigns from those ideas.

Well, not the Almanac of Fundraising Ideas...

A review of the comprehensive Almanac of Fundraising Ideas!

It has a brilliant list of ideas that are provided in a superb format.

It also provides great introductory advice for organizing your fundraisers, committees, volunteers, and budgets, etc.

Each idea is then presented with potential earnings, examples, video links, how it works, and how to make it successful, plus additional info.

Essentially it provides a great roadmap for successful fundraising with those ideas!

Written and compiled by Joe DiDonato...

It is based on his ten years of volunteer work with many nonprofits and government entities, like The Thousand Oaks California Art Commission; The Wellness Community, Valley/Ventura; The Orphan Foundation; and State Representative Sandlin's political campaign.

He acknowledges the help that he received with these fundraising ideas and says that:

"Many of the ideas in The Almanac have come from staff members, volunteers, and friends, as well as from my observation of businesses and processes that have been used successfully."

The Fundraising Ideas:

The Almanac of Fundraising Ideas has over 120 ideas. From well known, to creative, to unique, to holding massive funding potential.

These ideas are presented in a great format (example image down below) and are accompanied by...

  • Links to examples
  • Over 80 videos on the different ideas
  • Revenue Potential
  • Revenue Sources. For example for the Bowl-a-Thon idea: "Revenue Source:  Attendance fees, silent and live auctions, raffles, lane sponsorships"
  • Where to Promote the ideas
  • Equipment and supplies needed
  • Who to partner with
  • Volunteers Needed
  • And of course, The How it Works, and How-to of the idea!

The book has a really unique and brilliant way of presenting the ideas and information. And as you read through all the info you start to appreciate the experience and knowledge that Joe Didonato has!

It might not read like an entertaining, nail biting novel. But if fundraising is what you need, then it certainly does the job... In a big way!

The Almanac of Fundraising Ideas - A screenshot of one of the many brilliant ideas presented in this comprehensive cracker of a fundraising ideas book!

Some of my favorite ideas that he has presented are:

  • The Bachelor Auction
  • Bowl-a-Thon
  • Casino Night
  • Chinese Auction
  • Door to Door Penny Drive
  • Golf Ball Drop
  • High Income Cause Book
  • Medieval Fair
  • Mobile Fundraising
  • Pet Parade
  • Rubber Duck Regatta
  • Wine Tasting
  • Google Grants
  • And the Planned Giving Section!

Just to name a few!


To be very honest this book is an impressive compilation of fundraising ideas and advice.

Not only will you find some ideas to add to your fundraising campaign this year, but you'll also learn some new tricks and techniques for ideas that you are already using, that will boost your funds raised!

Joe has truly gone beyond most authors on the fundraising ideas subject, and my hat goes off to him.

And What About the Big Question?

Will the Almanac of Fundraising Ideas help increase the amount of funds our organization raises?

My answer: Without a doubt!

This is a resource that you definitely want to own and read... and then re-use, and re-use, again and again!

Any Comments?

If you have read the Almanac of Fundraising Ideas, please feel free to leave your thoughts about it in the comment form down below.

Other Fundraising Book Reviews:

Pamela Grow's: Writing Grant Proposals

Jack Atwell's: Let's Raise Funds

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