Earth Friendly Fundraisers -
Go Green & Raise More

The World is going green! And Earth Friendly Fundraisers are becoming more and more popular.

And not just with non-profits and charities...

But also with supporters, as they are more enthusiastic about supporting a fundraiser that is environmentally friendly!

Generally earth friendly ideas raise funds through the sale of "Green" or healthy products...

But there are also some brilliant recycling ideas that you can use!

Earth Friendly Fundraisers - Go Green & Raise More! Learn how... (Photo by  Angel Luis Gonzalez-Bonilla off Flickr)

Just make sure you plan and prepare your fundraisers properly. Your most important work is done during the preparation of your fundraiser.

Then the work is executing that preparation effectively....

Environmentally Friendly Fundraisers:

Let's take a look at these unique fundraising ideas...

The Inkjet Cartridge Fundraiser:

The inkjet recycling fundraiser is a unique way of going Green and fundraising at the same time.

There are companies that will pay groups to send them their used inkjet and laser jet cartridges, paying a certain fee per cartridge. So...

Simply collect all the used inkjets that you organization throws out...

Plus speak to all the local businesses near you, all your supporters, and everyone and anyone, asking them to send you their used catridges as well. Obviously explaining that it's to fundraise for your cause.

Then you send those cartridges off to the recycling companies and they pay you per catridge sent in!

It's such a simple fundraising idea that need not take too much hassle to raise some decent funds.

Use a Google Search below to find an Inkjet Recycling Company near you...

To read more advice on the Inkjet Cartridge Fundraiser go here.

There are also other items that you can fundraise with by recycling, like mobile phones. So look to include all of these in your fundraiser!

Internet Fundraising Ideas:

There are quite a few internet fundraising ideas that actually use no products at all, and therefore leave no Carbon Footprint.

These online ideas are also very effective and often simple to set up.

For example the Online Donations Fundraiser through a Crowdfunding Platform (Where you can set your donation page up for FREE) is an idea that has excellent results if you promote it correctly.

The same goes for a Supporter Wall on your Website where people can donate to your cause by sponsoring a block on the wall. That block then gives them image branding and a link to their website.

If you have a fundraising or organization website then I would highly recommend you use a Supporter Wall. Find some tips about it on the Brick Fundraising page.

Online Earth Friendly Fundraisers. Learn what & how... (Photo by Ryan Hyde off Flickr)

Then of course there is also Affiliate Fundraising. Which is actually a lot more difficult than what it at first may seem.

But with the right application can be extremely rewarding. Follow the link to see if you could use Affiliate Fundraising.

Smencils Fundraiser:

This is another creative fundraising idea that is really cool...

Smencils are scented pencils that have been made from recycled newspapers. They come in loads of different scents and it's the perfect thing for kid's.

This fundraising idea will work so well with groups with children in them. Especially for Schools!

The Smencils sell for really cheap and because they are really popular and cool, they will sell quickly!

Go here to find out more about making this cool fundraiser profitable!

Flower Bulbs:

Although this is not one of the most innovative Earth friendly fundraisers, it is a fundraiser that works extremely well!

Enviromentally Earth Friendly Fundraisers - The Flower Bulb Fundraiser. (Photo by L'eau Bleue / Flickr)

As a kid my school ran a flower bulb fundraiser and it was a huge success. Years later, the same school has just recently run the same fundraiser again...

And once again it has been a huge success!

Obviously people just love bulbs!

You can source your bulbs quite easily from fundraising companies or nurseries.

For American fundraisers I'd recommend you use EFI's Flower Bulb fundraising program.

Ending Off The
Earth Friendly Fundraisers:

We live in an era where people are definitely becoming more environmentally conscious and this will for sure play a role in fundraisers in the future.

It is also a great trend to jump on board with when it comes to your fundraising!

So choose an earth friendly fundraiser that will suit your cause and get everyone to go more green by supporting you fundraising campaign!

Other Unique Fundraising Ideas:

The Flamingo Fundraiser

Funny Fundraising Ideas

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